Friday, December 10, 2010

Flyleaf Illustration

Freestyle illustration done based on the band Flyleaf (which may or may not be a Christian Rock band. I wasn't aware of it and apparently they themselves are undecided). This is their lead singer and I just did whatever I felt like doing and it was super fun! Love it :) I should freestyle more often.

Original size: 15"x20" on illustration board with ink and watercolor

2 hours touch-up work in Photoshop work post-painting

Friday, November 26, 2010

If Nature dies, you die too. So be GREEN already!!

First (failed) attempt

Second (more successful) attempt

Cultural Declaration piece about the environment for Advanced Illustration class. There were some AMAZING works coming out of my classmates, but you unfortunately get to only see mine, which I'm quite happy with (once I started over).

As you can see, the first just had too many colors that started to get muddy and you just lost a lot of the imagery. Was just working it too much.

The second one is more striking with the minimal and strong colors. The whole concept can speak in different ways. The figure (recognize her??) can be seen as human or as a depiction of Mother Nature. Faintly in the background, there are plants dying all around her. One last one is trying to make it's way to life, but some of the hurt and bleeding is starting to seep into it's soil. We are tied to the earth, and as we slowly poison and kill it, we kill ourselves. I don't want it to be optional, I want this image to say "This will happen. Save the earth and save yourselves".

Comments made in class today gave me ideas to strengthen the imagery, so if I ever rework it, I will post it again.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"The Landlady", by Roald Dahl

These illustrations are meant to accompany a publication of "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl. I tried doing a different style a la Simona Cordero, and kind of accomplished it. While they are cute, they don't really accomplish the odd and eventually creepy and sinister mood of this story. So yes...tried something new, good practice, wouldn't have worked in real life. Yay me!

Watercolor on watercolor paper, and Photoshop

Watercolor on watercolor paper, and Photoshop

Watercolor and ink on illustration board, and Photoshop

Thursday, October 14, 2010

From way back when...

A few pieces I found in a drawer from the last two years at IDEA

One illustration for a children's story book that we wrote as a class. No idea what happened to it...our prof was supposed to produce it in some way, and all the images did get scanned. Anyhow, here it is! That is a monster in the front with the big yellow horns. I did this 2 years sense of depth rendering skills have much improved! The little girl is dragging her teddy behind her...completely forget the story...but the teddy is important I remember.

A poster for the band of our choice. I chose the Shins...and got a tad visceral. Done sometime around October 2009.

One illustration from a group of 5 for a brochure on Vancouver's Gardens. I will try to find the other 4 for you...this was the best and biggest, though; was for the cover. Done last year sometime...March 2010?

No idea what the project was...three figures or something. I did Andrew, Warren and Jonathan, "The Trio", from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, I'm a geek...oh well. November 2009.

Little something I did on my own, back in May 2009! Was heavily inspired by Lynn Olofsdotter. Look her up, she's amazing!

The Tale of a Do-Over, Part 1

Now, these two posts are a special treat for you readers, a case study if you will. They will showcase that, like everyone, artists make mistakes, are not always happy with the work they do, and sometimes even re-do pieces for clients!

You all remember this piece? If not, go back through the archives, it was posted in June. My client commissioned this piece after he saw (and could unfortunately not buy) "Porcelain" from my solo show at the Naam. He wanted something similar, so I created this...

Again, using Ink, Watercolor, and Gouache on Illustration Board.

He got it framed beautifully and it hangs front and center in his waiting room!

Now, he liked "Purity" so much, and thought it looked so lonely, that he requested another one like it right away. However, at the time I was very busy and leaving on vacation in a few weeks. Despite his assurances that he would wait until I got back, I wanted to get it done before I left.

And here is the result, "Patience".

Obviously, as you can see, it is not up the the standards of the first painting, nor does it match due to that reason. I was rushed and not taking the care and attention that I usually would have. Plus, perhaps, my ego was telling me "Oh hell, this is your 4th one of this series! You've got it down to a science, no need to fuss over it!"

I really should have fussed. There's lack of detail, care and color variance...

And I got a bit carried away with all the drips and drops.

The client and I discussed it, and I said that I would prefer to do it again (as it would just annoy me that I hadn't done my best work, and given him a lesser-than piece). However, it was agreed that I would take all the time I needed to complete it to my standards. See the next post for how it turned out!

The Tale of a Do-Over, Part 2

The client did frame the second piece and hung it up in his waiting room with "Purity". Here it is, framed and matted to match the first painting. I must say, it looks much better matted, but still not up to the standards as the first (and soon to see below, third one).


Here is the third painting I did for this client, finished just this morning!
It's name is "Patience II" and is part of the Porcelain series (see posts back in February for the original "Porcelain").

Some close-ups...

Extra care taken with the face and hands especially...

And of course, lots of drips and drops (but not too many)!

Let me know what you think! I personally love the colors and think this third one is better than the first! I did have much longer to slowly work on this one and ponder my next brush stroke, which is always good for me. Which do you prefer? Please comment!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10x10 Show paintings

Hey everyone! Got a bunch of posts coming up for you guys...some old work, some new work, some work that didn't work, etc.

Here is my latest series, completed this past Thanksgiving weekend for my IDEA Program's upcoming 10" X 10" show. We are all painting on these identical ten inch square panels and a local gallery/eatery is showcasing them. They're all on for an incredible price of $70 each. So come on down to the Cafe for Contemporary Art at 140 East Esplanade, North Vancouver. It's on from October 23-31. Our opening night is Saturday October 23rd from 6-8:30pm.

The theme of the show is The Age of Attention. I more or less see the age of attention as a negative thing (even though ironically I'm going to school for marketing and graphic design...basically how to sell things to people). But I do not agree with how much people are bombarded with attention grabbing crap day in and day out. So I did a series based on the "No Evil" iconic images. The subjects are attempting to block at least one route into their intelligence that all that stupid "attention" is trying to steal.

"Hear No Evil"

"Speak No Evil"

"See No Evil"

They all have a unifying pink border

Can be sold separately or together. I think they work better separately as while they are all very similar, they are also very diverse in style and composition.

All done with Acrylic, ink and black pen on wood panel.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fitness Fashion Illustration

Some of my very recent work for my Digital Illustration class. This took me about 24 hours all put together, working by hand and with photoshop. Loved doing this style, could sit there for hours and play :) Hope to do more of it soon! Let me know what you think!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall 2010 at IDEA

Hi all! Sorry I've been absent. Had a crazy busy Summer with a lot of non-art related jobs and couldn't fit in my own work. Here's a few little things I've done since school has started up again at Capilano University (IDEA 2011 Program). Much more to come, am finishing a few other things in the next couple weeks :) Stay tuned!

Caricature of Bon Jovi
Pencil, Ink and Photoshop

Double page spread for Chuck Taylor Converse shoes, campaigning their new "personalized" shoes. Ink, watercolor, and Photoshop.

Friday, June 11, 2010

"Purity" Commission

Commission for my optometrist. Took me about 2 cumulative weeks including research, sketches, painting, and framing.

Shot of it hanging in his office lounge. He has decided to get it reframed with a large matte to make it look bigger and stand out.

Getting closer...I put a label up and left business cards with him should anyone be curious :)

Close-up of my girl. He chose the colors, requested "drips" and I went to town :) The dress is layers upon layers of watercolor, but I think it turned out well in the end!

As it's just finished, before I framed it at home.

The buyer also put in a request for another one the day I delivered it to him, as everyone (myself included) feels the wall is too big for just this little gal. So another one is on the way that will match in color and style, as well as composition (only opposite), yet with new elements and imagery.

Stay tuned!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Alisha Star" Commission Piece (Set of 4)

Hi all! I know it's been awhile, but I've been going crazy with work! Mostly graphic design work with the end of Spring term, but also several commissions!

Here is the first one, second one coming in a week!

I did this for a friend who liked "Lattice" from the Naam. She chose her colors, likes stars, and away I went! This piece can work horizontal or vertical, and is a set of 4 8"x8" canvases.

View from the side. Each piece had the elements spilling over to all 4 sides.

All together in a row! I actually think I like it seen from the other way around, but this is how I painted it.

Close-ups, from Right to Left. Canvas 1&2...

Canvases 2&3...

And canvases 3&4. See how they flow together? And the large stars?

Hope you like it! Stay tuned for my next commission piece (watercolor and black ink), and there will also be a large one happening in August!

See you soon!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cadence show is done...but the artwork isn't!

Hi everyone!

I want to extend a humungous, gratious, appreciative and loving thank you to everyone who came out to see my show during it's 7 weeks up at the Naam! I received so much great feedback and comments, I can't wait to do the next one!

Just an update on the show's success, Porcelain, Lattice, and Pink Ribbons have sold! Blossom is on hold, so get your bids in now if you're interested!

Also an interesting turn of events, Porcelain and Lattice were so popular that I have received commissions to do more like them! If you were eyeing those or another one that is now spoken for, let me know and I can certainly talk to you about a custom piece. Pricing is generally the same depending on size, so just pick your price range and colors and we're off to the races!

Again, thank you all so much for your support, you don't know how much it means to me :)

Hope to see you all again at the next show!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Porcelain Series Upcoming...

Hey all,

Due to overwhelming interest in Porcelain, which is sadly the only painting of it's kind, a new Porcelain-type series is in the works and coming to the blog very soon! There will always be only one Porcelain, but that's one of my newer styles that I've been meaning to experiment with (and will, just as soon as this hindrance called University lets up...).

Stay tuned!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Extended Show!

Hi all! In a wonderful turn of rescheduling, my show at the Naam will be up for an extra week, until Tuesday, April 6th! So hope that gives you all a chance to get down there and see it :)

Thanks and talk to you soon!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Naam Show "Cadence" is up!!

Hey everyone! Well it's finally finished! I installed my Cadence show paintings at the Naam in Kitsilano, Vancouver this morning and it runs for the next 6 weeks (Feb 23 to March 30). All artwork is for sale (although Porcelain has already sold). All paintings are framed matte black, are posted on the blog and range in size, from 8"x8" to 20"x30".

Details: The Naam is at 2724 West 4th Ave, near McDonald. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and serves award winning vegetarian and vegan fare.

For more information, call me at (604) 868-2728.

Paintings that are being shown are:
(The Audreys)
Blue Ribbons
Pink Ribbons
Green Ribbons

(series of 3)
Twin Kiss

Lattice (4 8"x8"'s)

Hope you're able to drop by sometime and see it! It looks great and I'm so happy it's done! It's been a long year of work, but it was definitely worth it.

Thanks for your support!!

Recycled and New - For Naam Show

Oil pens and acrylic on 8"x8" canvases
Pinks: October 2009 (for Anonymous Arts Show)
Blues: Jan/Feb 2010
$300 for all 4, $100 each if bought separately

New Work for Naam Show

Ink and Watercolor on Illustration Board
Jan/Feb 2010

Ink and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper
Jan 2010
(already sold and duplicate commissioned as the buyers fought over it)

Ink and Watercolor on Illustration Board
Feb 2010

Ink and Watercolor on Illustration Board
Feb 2010